Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Redeeming The Time

Have you ever heard someone say "I wish I had the time to do the things I really want to do". I have heard it and I have said it to. Does it seem as though the life you want is just out of reach because of the multitude of commitments you have on your day? Have you wanted more time, but failed to see where you could get it? You think "Maybe if I had better time management skills, that would be the answer."

I recently heard someone say that "time management" is a myth.

He said that you cannot manage time, it ticks away, second after second and there isn't anything you can do about it. The only thing you can manage is yourself. 

In our human experience, time, such as we understand it, is a limited commodity. I am 53 years old as I write this. If I keep on living healthy and avoid doing anything risky, I will live to about my mid-eighties. Let's say 85. That means I have 32 years left. It sounds like a lot of time, right? But think about it like this. It means I have 32 summers left. I have 32 Christmas left. I have 32 Anniversaries. It puts a little more perspective on how we can best use our time, doesn't it? If I have 32 summers left, I want to be slim and trim for all of them! So, at all of my remaining Thanksgivings, I will say "No more pie for me thanks! Summer's coming!"

There is an interesting scripture in the New Testament. It's Ephesians 5:16. It says we should "redeem the time because the days are evil"

That verse and the ones around it talk about being careful about how we live because the time is short and we don't want to be careless about it. You get the sense that the Apostle Paul is encouraging us to live on purpose, and not to let this life slip away from us. It's an important message especially today when so many things that seem really important want to take our time and attention. It becomes quality over quantity.

For me, I can be distracted very easily by the internet.  Before you know what's happening, you've spent an hour catching up with the cast of H.R Puffenstuff and you forgot that you went online to check the time of a movie you want to take your wife to. It's so easy! In a flash, all the productivity that could have happened in that time is gone. Any creativity you had will have dried up! You can't get that time back, ever.

Living on purpose means, making the most of your time. Not doing more necessarily, but making the time you have meaningful and productive. If you are with people, give them your attention, your eye-contact! If you are going to do any exercise, do it with energy! If you are going on the internet, make it a worthwhile time! Contribute something instead of just creeping on other people's Facebook to see what they're up to! You have done it! I know!

Here's a bit of wisdom that may help you. Break big goals into small chunks. If we use the example of fitness, you may want to transform your body by doing some kind of activity. It does not happen in one day, so don't feel the pressure to climb the whole mountain in one workout! A little bit each day is all you need. Your time is limited so, set a small goal and hit it every day. Walk a block, stretch, ride a bike, whatever. Over time, those small deposits will add up and compound. Climb a bit of the mountain and then rest and take in the view. Redeem the time!

Jesus had a three-year ministry plan. It seems that it was to have 12 disciples, travel to a certain amount of towns, and spread the message where he could. This plan was relatively short compared to other stories in the bible.
Some of God's plans for his people seem to be contained in a span of hundreds of years. That's hard for us to grasp. We want results NOW!

I think that once we pass beyond the threshold of death and come into another reality of being, time will not have the same meaning for us as it does now. But while we are here on this wonderful planet with these amazing people we call fellow humans, let's make the most of it. Let's redeem the time!

Monday, November 4, 2019


I have a new obsession every few years, you can ask my wife. I will be into something for a while and then my attention will be drawn elsewhere.

Are you like this too?

My current areas of interest are as follows:


It's an ancient drink that I have just discovered. My friend served me some this summer and I instantly felt amazing. It's fermented black tea. Supposedly chock full of health benefits. Here's the Wikipedia entry on it -  

Kombucha is a fermented, slightly alcoholic, lightly effervescent, sweetened black or green tea drink commonly intended as a functional beverage for its supposed health benefits. Sometimes the beverage is called kombucha tea to distinguish it from the culture of bacteria and yeast. Juice, spices, or other flavorings are often added to enhance the taste of the beverage.

The exact origins of kombucha are not known. It is thought to have originated in Manchuria where the drink is traditionally consumed, or in Russia and Eastern Europe. Kombucha is now homebrewed globally, and also bottled and sold commercially by various companies.

I bought myself a few bottles at the grocery store and I still enjoyed it so much, I did some research on making it myself. I have since started making my own at home and I love it.


I have two. I did not spend a lot of money on them. I know I'll crash them so I don't want to be heartbroken if they are worth a small fortune. Super duper drones can be in the thousands of dollars and take amazing photos and videos. I enjoy filming a bit of drone footage wherever I happen to be and the two I have are small enough to fit in a backpack.

Hubsan X4 Desire

DJI Tello
I like flying them and I like sharing the pictures they take. The Tello does flips and can take some great selfie shots. The Hubsan has GPS and can follow you or follow a pre-planned route. Great fun.

Online Auctions

I like getting a deal on something cool and unique. Online auctions are the place to get those things. I have bid on and won some cool items! A few of the latest were some screen used pieces of fitness equipment from a Nickelodeon show! I got them for an outstanding price and as a bonus, I could see them on YouTube clips from the show! I like to look for deals on collectibles and household things. It's a little crazy how many things you can look at in 5 minutes, but you get to know which sites have the things you are interested in!

It's a lot of fun to get into a bidding war and then come away with a treasure! I have even developed a bit of a customer base. I know some guys who like certain things and I keep my eyes out for them!

There are a few more obsessions I have right now but those are the main ones.

What are yours?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why I Think You Should Read My Book.

I wrote a novella called Conexus because I had a story idea and I wanted to see where it went.

What if artificial intelligence had us all figured out and did the right thing, even when we wouldn't?

The cast of characters includes a guy named, Lance. He's a guy who would rather talk to machines. He finds human contact tedious and slow. He has a big part to play in the story because it's his attitude that a lot of us have. We would rather text or message before actually speaking and making eye contact. Sound familiar? The more we bury our faces in devices, the more handicapped we become in relationships. In my story, artificial intelligence knows this too and takes steps to correct it!

How does it end?

No spoilers!

Get a copy today and find out the ending! Conexus is now available in the LIFE 100.3 Online Superstore. Shipping is a bit cheaper that way! Click HERE!


Tuesday, October 1, 2019


After months of sitting at the computer keyboard and working through my idea for an adventure story involving robots and relationships, it's finally in print! "Conexus" is done! My first book is complete and it's out there now!

I joke that one day, artificial intelligence will try and take over the world. It's what we want. We design programs and robots to do the things we don't want to do. So where does that leave us? We should have all the time in the world to get to know one another and connect like never before! With robots running things, humans should thrive! But all evidence to the contrary! We are more disconnected than ever!

Imagine a day when artificial intelligence will offer us what we need the most, a chance to remember what life is really all about, relationships!

For some of us, relationships come easy, others have difficulty forming and maintaining good connections. Selfishness, greed, narcissism, and religiousness are obstacles to true connections. Can we overcome them? Yes! Is it hard? Yes! Is it worth it? Yes!

The main character in the story is confronted with making a choice between being alone and risking his heart, not just to others but to a Higher Power! He and a group of spiritually hungry seekers board a plane to a place they never thought they would go!

I hope you love this story as much as I do!

You can grab the E-Book HERE.

You can get a softcover copy HERE.

Leave a comment with your thoughts about the story!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wow Enough!

I love this clip from Jurassic World. Particularly the quote "They're dinosaurs, wow enough!"

It highlights a danger we can all fall into, HYPE! Some thing in and of themselves need little to no embellishment to be awesome, they just are! Like the dinosaurs who inspire awe and wonder, we don't need to build up excitement in order to appreciate these massive killer lizards.

In spiritual things we can also become victim to hype.

Here are a few titles to articles in a popular Christian online magazine...

  • Why God Is Highlighting Gatekeepers in This Hour - This biblical intercessory ministry has Holy Spirit wind on it.
  • How You Can Root Out Strongholds Through Accelerated Discernment.
  • How This Supernatural Anointing Can Set You Ablaze With Holy Ghost Fire
  • Why the Enemy Cowers From This Powerful Holy Spirit Punch

Wow! Those all sound intense don't they? 

When did the message of the gospel suddenly need to be punched-up with such big terms?

The God who created the universe and all its wonders, came to our world and related to us out of PURE love.

Wow enough!

Monday, June 3, 2019

Are You Screwed? A Spiritual Lesson From the Deep End.

I recently did a project that required some demolition.  I had to dismantle and remove an above ground pool from my daughters house in Sudbury.  
For the most part, things went well, except for a screw that was stubborn!  There was rust that caused the pieces of hardware to hold together despite our best efforts to separate them.  It seemed that the two metals had become one!  My friend and I worked at it for a good little while, twisting and grabbing, but the thing would not come loose.
It was then that I was struck with something spiritual!  
It happens in the oddest places!  
What if that was like us?
Sometimes, there are things, like that pool, that just need to go.  We have made a decision to clean out our lives, and we start the demolition!  "This needs to go, that needs to leave, I need to change this behavior!" is what we say, then we come up against something stubborn!
It's at this point that we can wonder if that particular stubborn thing is really just part of who we are now.  Us and the issue seem to be one, just like that screw on the pool.  I asked myself the question, "Is there a point where we can't change?  Is it impossible after a certain degree of time and familiarity with the elements?"  It was a valid question.  I have seen people that, it seems, will always be the way they are.  
I also read in the scriptures, the words of the apostle Paul, "...if you are in Christ, you are a new creature.  Old things have passed away and all things are made new.".  Does that mean we can change in every area?  Even the ones where we think "it's just who I am"?
The question seemed to linger and then my buddy said "I'm going to get my angle grinder!  We'll take care of that in no time!"  And that's what happened.  In a couple of seconds, that screw was off and the pieces of the pool were free of one another!  I was left wondering if major surgery was the way to go with those things in our live we need to get rid of!  A violent and decisive action!
What do you think?

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Getting Things Done

If I could recommend a book to you about getting things done, it would be "Getting Things Done".

The title explains itself!  So often, the internet or TV or fishing, whatever, steals our time away and we don't get the things done that we want to.  If a day goes by and you just put off the important tasks, well you missed another opportunity to make a difference in the world.

I have to be very organized in my job so that the radio show goes smoothly, is entertaining and runs on time.

I have read this book and there are a few things that I want to share with you, that I hope will help you out, assuming this is something you want to improve in your life.


The things you need to do will not always be the most enjoyable.  Do them anyway.
I work out about an hour a day and I work different areas of my body on separate days.  I hate "Leg Day" just as much as anyone, but it's gotta be done!  I won't like it the whole time I'm doing it, but I feel so accomplished afterward!  I don't like sitting down and writing out comedy bits or story ideas, but the only way I get fresh ideas and new directions is by sitting down and doing it!  It does not happen any other way!


Clear out your brain.  Like open up your head and dump it onto a piece of paper.  I call it a mind dump.  It's fun.  My wife and I did it together.  We took a note pad and wrote down all the goals we wanted to achieve, things around the house we wanted to get done, ways we wanted to improve our relationship with each other and our kids, goals for money...etc.  Then we looked at it on paper.  It was very satisfying to see it all!  We then made a plan to do the things we could.  We wrote down dates, time frames and action steps!  Wow!  No more "wishing"!  It was mostly mapped out!


Take care of the little things right away.  If you read the book, one of the rules to getting things done is, if it will take less than two minutes or less, do it immediately.  Answer that e-mail, file that paper, make that call or go confirm your plans with that person.  BOOM!  Done.

Spend more time living, less time stressing about what you gotta do!

Friday, April 5, 2019

Go See A Movie - Change a Life!

I am cutting and pasting this article from another site.

It's from Christian Headlines, if you want, you can look it up for yourself.

I think it's worth a read because it shows the effect of going to see a faith-based film when it's released in the theater as opposed to seeing it on BluRay.

The faith-based hit film I Can Only Imagine grossed more than $83 million in the United States, but its impact around the world may have been even greater.

Director Jon Erwin says more than 100 countries – including China – have paid to distribute and in some cases translate the films made by him and his filmmaking brother, Andrew.

“When a movie is a hit in America… it goes on global autopilot,” Jon Erwin told an audience at the National Religious Broadcasters convention March 27. “So all these countries around the world begin to pay you for the right to translate and distribute your movie. So it's the gospel on for-profit autopilot.”

Even China, which has shut down churches, torn down crosses, and threatened to eliminate Christianity, wanted to show I Can Only Imagine – simply because it was a hit.

“I find it very interesting that in the same year that China actually restricted... Christianity, they paid for I Can Only Imagine,” Jon Erwin said. “They paid for the right to translate it and distribute it to their people. That's happened in over 100 countries around the world with our films.

“What happens is, when you watch a movie in America, and you buy your ticket, and that movie becomes a hit, you're pretty much guaranteed 10 people around the world are going to see it on your behalf because of these incredible things called output deals. And, in fact, there's a lot of places around the world where you can do more in a movie theater than you can openly on the streets. It's incredible how far the message gets.”

Erwin was at NRB to announce four new movies as part of a new faith-based studio, Kingdom.

He called entertainment America’s “second largest export,” behind agriculture.

Based on a true story, I Can Only Imagine tells how the father of MercyMe’s Bart Millard came to Christ late in life. Dennis Quaid plays the father.

Erwin relayed an anecdote of the movie having an impact in Australia. A Christian woman named Sharon, he said, watched it with her son in the theater. She was crying after the film.

“And a stranger behind her said, 'Do you know Jesus?' And she said, 'Do you?' And the stranger said, 'No, but I need this in my life. ... What happened to [actor] Dennis Quaid, I need to happen to me. And I need someone to explain it to me.' And they had this conversation right in the theater,” Erwin said.

“What we found is that a movie is an incredible tool of emotional instigation, that if you can tell the right story in the right way, it really does have the power to change people’s lives.”

Monday, April 1, 2019

Time Travel

I hate when movies or TV shows use time travel to tell a story. 

I understand why writers use it, it's a way to tell a "What if..." story.  What if we could stop someone from becoming a terrorist?  What if we could prevent two people from meeting?  What if we could hit the guy who put pineapple on pizza over the head with one of those cardboard tube used for gift wrap and shout "No you fool!"  It would be a very different world indeed.

But we do NOT have a time machine, nor will we.  Sorry, Cher will just have to keep singing that song. 

It's all fantasy.

I hate time travel stuff because it indulges our tendency to allow ourselves to feel really bad for our former choices.  We dream about how we could change things if we had the chance.  Plus, if you COULD go back, you would be constantly paranoid about what you were doing, because your actions will affect countless other lives!  Imagine a scenario where just ordering a pizza could cause a world wide apocalypse!  It could happen, just sayin'.

If you read any studies about the mind and how it affects the body, you will begin to see that dwelling on the past, lamenting our actions (or lack thereof) is a key contributor to poor health.  Certain chemicals are released that can cause high blood pressure and even obesity.  You don't want those things!

Not many of us worry about Terminator assassins hunting us down from the future, but we do worry ABOUT the future.  The same scenarios play out in our brains.  What if I win the lottery?  What if I buy a Hyundai instead of a KIA?  What if the Leafs win the cup?  You can see how stress can build over time!  Pun intended!

Leave time alone!  I think time is an illusion.  We have now.  That's it.  "Now" decisions affect the future.  If you want a different future, have a different "now".  If you make a decision today that will give you the future you want, in a way, you are a time traveler!

It would be cool to buy a DeLorean and trick it out with a Mr. Fusion reactor and get it up to 88 miles per hour and head to any era we so desire, but that sort of thing only happens in the movies.

Take today.  Enjoy today.  Plan for tomorrow.  Make it a good future!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Let's Talk, or Better Yet, Let's Do THIS...

There is some controversy around the Bell "Let's Talk" campaign.  The purpose of the day is to bring an awareness of mental illness and to lift the stigma surrounding it.  Good goals.  Some say it works, some say it doesn't. 
Is talking enough?  I would say, it's a better start than doing nothing.

This point was really driven home to me when I read this article.  It's about what non-Christians want from conversations about faith.

Check this out...

It's interesting that so many people want to talk, but how many people are really available to LISTEN?

"Nearly all non-Christians (identify with a faith other than Christianity or no faith at all) and lapsed Christians (identify as Christian but have not attended church within the past month) have a friend or family member who practices and prioritizes Christianity—but these believers may not be their ideal conversation partners when it comes to faith. For instance, more than six in 10 non-Christians and lapsed Christians (62%) say they would be open to talking about faith matters with someone who listens without judgment—the top quality they value—but only one-third (34%) sees this trait in the Christians they know personally."

WOW!  The thing people with things to talk about value, they can't find!

Can we listen without judgement, or is it all important to us to BE RIGHT and to SET PEOPLE STRAIGHT?

The research shows us what the real focus should be!

Instead of Let's Talk, maybe it SHOULD be "Let's Listen".

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Are you a professional?

I would like to share this article with you! It is by, Phil Cooke. He is a Christian media expert and knows his stuff. Take from it what you will. I loved it!  The full web page can be found here 

It’s Time to Decide: Are You An Amateur Or Professional?

At some point in our careers we need to decide how serious we are about the pursuit. As the old saying goes: “The thinking that got you into this mess isn’t the thinking you need to get out.”  All of us start as beginners or amateurs – and there’s no shame in that. But at some point, some decide that the pursuit is worth the self discipline it takes to reach the next level, while others decide to stay where they are. I could use a million examples – maybe you’re restarting or changing careers, perhaps you’re a divorced or single mom. You took time off for school or to raise a family. I met a man recently who had spent years caring for his terminally ill wife, and now needed to get back into the workplace.
Whatever it is, there’s a point where a “soccer mom,” a man changing careers, or someone else in transition decides to become a professional leader. Here’s a handful of decisions he or she needs to consider in order to arrive at that destination:
An amateur believes his passion and energy is all he needs to make a successful presentation.
A professional dedicates the time and effort it takes to become an effective public speaker.
An amateur uses lots of emoticons and exclamation marks in her emails.
A professional expresses herself in an articulate, businesslike way.
An amateur thinks everyone at the meeting wants to hear his ideas.
A professional listens first, then shares based on what he’s heard.
An amateur gets dressed for work, and shows up looking like, well… an amateur.
A professional gets dressed for work, and shows up looking like a professional.
An amateur figures it’s too late to change. She is what she is.
A professional knows it’s never too late to change and is always learning.
An amateur is awkward and hesitant when he meets new people.
A professional knows that people skills are some of the most important skills you can possess.
When an amateur has a problem with her computer she gets exasperated, and then calls a teenager, spouse, or neighbor to fix it. 
A professional takes a class or finds a mentor so she can take care of it herself. At the very least she runs through potential options so she doesn’t waste someone else’s time.
An amateur believes that it’s OK to turn in a report with grammatical and punctuation errors. After all, it’s the ideas in his report that matter.
A professional knows that clear communication is critical. How you express your message is as important as the message itself.
I could go on and on, but you get the picture.
What did you think?  Comment below!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Muscle Car Ministry

Not an actual shot of the incident, but close enough to give you a good idea of the scenario
We have new neighbors.

They are two young guys and they each have a muscle car.  The exact same model  There must have been a two for one sale.  Not sure if they do the whole BOGO thing for Dodge Chargers, but in this economy, it's anyone's guess.  Regardless of how they came to posses these super charged beasts of the industrial age, I don't think they thought through how they would perform in the winter months.  8 cylinders of power is great for cruising down the main drag in the dog days of summer and leaning to one side as you tip your head to look over your Ray-Bans at a cute girl with exactly 20 followers on Instagram, but when the snow flies, the only thing you'll be looking over is a snowbank if you don't have the proper tires on your schmooze-mobile.

These guys have no snow tires.  They also do not shovel their driveway.

All the torque in the world won't get you to move an inch when you're sitting on what is essentially the mini-glacier we call Ontario in December.

Here's what happened early one morning after a brief snowfall.

I am in bed early because of my job.  I awake at four a.m. to go into work at 5.  Weekends for me are the only time I get to sleep in.  Saturday and Sunday are sacred days of sabbath rest where the alarm on my phone lets me stay horizontal for as long as I care to be without a hint of responsibility, other thank making coffee and bacon at whatever hour I choose to lift myself from the mattress.  It's glorious!  That's why I was so perturbed to be woken at 3 a.m. on a Sunday by the constant revving of a 6.4 liter V8 engine.  At first, I thought it was a snow plow, but the roar of the motor did not fade into the distance of a snowy night, it remained constant, dying down for only a few moments before returning with a fiery vengeance.

I was determined to call the police on whoever was the offending rev-er and get them in "trouble".  This was outrageous!  But I had to know for sure what was causing this ruckus.  I got out of bed and crept downstairs, picking up my flashlight from the bowl beside the door, and opened up to peek around the porch.  (It was cold and I was minimally dressed, so this would be a quick peek.)
It was as I suspected, the neighbor person was revving his big block in the next door driveway, but the car was moving back and forth only a few feet at a a time.  He was very clearly, stuck in his own driveway.

It was decision time.  Do I continue with my plan to call the cops and then try and return to my slumber, or do I get dressed and go help him?

These are the times when you realize you should probably do the thing you don't want to do.  Upstairs I went to get my pants and shirt on and go lend a hand.  Why not be neighborly?  I am awake anyway.

As I stepped out of the house, I grabbed my trusty snow shovel from the porch and walked over to Mr. Stucky McStuckerson.   I say I would like to lend a hand as as we spoke just a few words, out of the corner of my eye, I see the neighbor from across the street exit his house and come to the edge of the curb.  This looked promising!  The whole street, coming together to aid a poor soul in need of help!  What hope swelled within my bosom for the future of mankind!  We would lead the way together to a new era of kindness and compassion!  One driveway at a time!

Before I could explain what was happening, neighbor #2 began to speak.  Did he ask how he could pitch in and resolve this slippery situation?  No!  He began to unleash a torrent of anger and rage in my direction!  He expounded, in very succinct terms, that the hour was late and the noise was too dreadful!  He spoke for not only his household, but the surrounding domiciles also!  How could you make such a din!  It violates basic human decency!

When there was a break in the tirade, I interjected that if we could, together, help this individual, we could resolve the situation and all get back to a warm winters nap.

He would have none of it.  With a few more words, he stormed back into the house.

I realized at that moment, that he came out of his house seeing only me and my shovel!  For all he knew, I was the sole architect of the evenings sinister symphony!  The fellow in the offending vehicle never moved and never bothered to speak up and defend me or explain his actions!  He just sat there!  I took all HIS grief from the sleepy street umpire who had called foul on the noise!

I became very direct and asked him which way he was trying to go, in or out.

He said "In".

So, like Samson of old, the spirit of strength came upon me and, unaided, I pushed that noisy beast into place and bid him a good evening.

The whole affair reminded me of the gospel story.

We are like the car, spinning its wheels, all flash and no grip.  Loads of potential but no traction.  Out from a perfect environment comes Jesus.  He arrives to help, to get us unstuck from our issues.  As humans do, we focus our anger, like my neighbor, on the one who seems to be causing the trouble.  Without asking questions, we blame the One who is here to save us and unload on Him!  Silently He absorbs our blame and with supernatural power brings a resolution!

Who knew you could learn so much from a noisy neighbor?