Wednesday, April 29, 2020


     What the heck is even going on? We are living in a time of global pandemic! Not what I thought the future would look like when I was a young lad at D.A Gordon Public school in Wallaceburg, Ontario. I used to think ahead to the year 2000 and wonder what it would be like to be 34 years old! Would I be married? Would I have kids? I never thought I would ask about the possibility of a virus locking in us in our homes while we stare at our wafer-thin screens, watching an entire season of a TV show in one day! Bizzare!
     When news of the pandemic first began to break, I went through a brief season of anxiety. I was unsure of the future, like all of us. I wondered about how a charitable organization like listener-supported Christian radio would survive when the world was being told to stay home. With no one working, would donations stop? Would I need to be a DJ from my man-cave tucked in the suburbs of Barrie? Am I going to catch the virus and suffer the effects of trying to breathe while my lungs are attacked? IT was all very hard to go through, but things have evened out into a sort of "normal". The listeners to LIFE responded amazingly! We were shown that they value what we have to offer and want to make sure it's there during a quarantine situation. They said that staying at home would be better with us on the air! That really encouraged us to keep doing what we do. We will endure, in spite of everything going on.
     It got me thinking about "endurance". What is that? Is it like the old Timex watch ad that said: "...takes a licking and keeps on ticking"?  I went to the bible for an example. I remembered Jesus in the garden. He was thinking about what was about to happen to him. He knew the plan, he knew the crucifixion was imminent. He was stressed. He prayed. He knew he would have to go through it, but did not want to. It was coming and he asked God to change the plan if possible, but deep down he knew that there was no going back. He prayed for the strength to endure.
We may feel the same way about this pandemic. We don't want to go through it, but we have to. If you are praying, pray for strength to endure, like Jesus.