Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wow Enough!

I love this clip from Jurassic World. Particularly the quote "They're dinosaurs, wow enough!"

It highlights a danger we can all fall into, HYPE! Some thing in and of themselves need little to no embellishment to be awesome, they just are! Like the dinosaurs who inspire awe and wonder, we don't need to build up excitement in order to appreciate these massive killer lizards.

In spiritual things we can also become victim to hype.

Here are a few titles to articles in a popular Christian online magazine...

  • Why God Is Highlighting Gatekeepers in This Hour - This biblical intercessory ministry has Holy Spirit wind on it.
  • How You Can Root Out Strongholds Through Accelerated Discernment.
  • How This Supernatural Anointing Can Set You Ablaze With Holy Ghost Fire
  • Why the Enemy Cowers From This Powerful Holy Spirit Punch

Wow! Those all sound intense don't they? 

When did the message of the gospel suddenly need to be punched-up with such big terms?

The God who created the universe and all its wonders, came to our world and related to us out of PURE love.

Wow enough!