Thursday, May 23, 2019

Getting Things Done

If I could recommend a book to you about getting things done, it would be "Getting Things Done".

The title explains itself!  So often, the internet or TV or fishing, whatever, steals our time away and we don't get the things done that we want to.  If a day goes by and you just put off the important tasks, well you missed another opportunity to make a difference in the world.

I have to be very organized in my job so that the radio show goes smoothly, is entertaining and runs on time.

I have read this book and there are a few things that I want to share with you, that I hope will help you out, assuming this is something you want to improve in your life.


The things you need to do will not always be the most enjoyable.  Do them anyway.
I work out about an hour a day and I work different areas of my body on separate days.  I hate "Leg Day" just as much as anyone, but it's gotta be done!  I won't like it the whole time I'm doing it, but I feel so accomplished afterward!  I don't like sitting down and writing out comedy bits or story ideas, but the only way I get fresh ideas and new directions is by sitting down and doing it!  It does not happen any other way!


Clear out your brain.  Like open up your head and dump it onto a piece of paper.  I call it a mind dump.  It's fun.  My wife and I did it together.  We took a note pad and wrote down all the goals we wanted to achieve, things around the house we wanted to get done, ways we wanted to improve our relationship with each other and our kids, goals for money...etc.  Then we looked at it on paper.  It was very satisfying to see it all!  We then made a plan to do the things we could.  We wrote down dates, time frames and action steps!  Wow!  No more "wishing"!  It was mostly mapped out!


Take care of the little things right away.  If you read the book, one of the rules to getting things done is, if it will take less than two minutes or less, do it immediately.  Answer that e-mail, file that paper, make that call or go confirm your plans with that person.  BOOM!  Done.

Spend more time living, less time stressing about what you gotta do!

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