Monday, June 3, 2019

Are You Screwed? A Spiritual Lesson From the Deep End.

I recently did a project that required some demolition.  I had to dismantle and remove an above ground pool from my daughters house in Sudbury.  
For the most part, things went well, except for a screw that was stubborn!  There was rust that caused the pieces of hardware to hold together despite our best efforts to separate them.  It seemed that the two metals had become one!  My friend and I worked at it for a good little while, twisting and grabbing, but the thing would not come loose.
It was then that I was struck with something spiritual!  
It happens in the oddest places!  
What if that was like us?
Sometimes, there are things, like that pool, that just need to go.  We have made a decision to clean out our lives, and we start the demolition!  "This needs to go, that needs to leave, I need to change this behavior!" is what we say, then we come up against something stubborn!
It's at this point that we can wonder if that particular stubborn thing is really just part of who we are now.  Us and the issue seem to be one, just like that screw on the pool.  I asked myself the question, "Is there a point where we can't change?  Is it impossible after a certain degree of time and familiarity with the elements?"  It was a valid question.  I have seen people that, it seems, will always be the way they are.  
I also read in the scriptures, the words of the apostle Paul, "...if you are in Christ, you are a new creature.  Old things have passed away and all things are made new.".  Does that mean we can change in every area?  Even the ones where we think "it's just who I am"?
The question seemed to linger and then my buddy said "I'm going to get my angle grinder!  We'll take care of that in no time!"  And that's what happened.  In a couple of seconds, that screw was off and the pieces of the pool were free of one another!  I was left wondering if major surgery was the way to go with those things in our live we need to get rid of!  A violent and decisive action!
What do you think?

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