Monday, April 1, 2019

Time Travel

I hate when movies or TV shows use time travel to tell a story. 

I understand why writers use it, it's a way to tell a "What if..." story.  What if we could stop someone from becoming a terrorist?  What if we could prevent two people from meeting?  What if we could hit the guy who put pineapple on pizza over the head with one of those cardboard tube used for gift wrap and shout "No you fool!"  It would be a very different world indeed.

But we do NOT have a time machine, nor will we.  Sorry, Cher will just have to keep singing that song. 

It's all fantasy.

I hate time travel stuff because it indulges our tendency to allow ourselves to feel really bad for our former choices.  We dream about how we could change things if we had the chance.  Plus, if you COULD go back, you would be constantly paranoid about what you were doing, because your actions will affect countless other lives!  Imagine a scenario where just ordering a pizza could cause a world wide apocalypse!  It could happen, just sayin'.

If you read any studies about the mind and how it affects the body, you will begin to see that dwelling on the past, lamenting our actions (or lack thereof) is a key contributor to poor health.  Certain chemicals are released that can cause high blood pressure and even obesity.  You don't want those things!

Not many of us worry about Terminator assassins hunting us down from the future, but we do worry ABOUT the future.  The same scenarios play out in our brains.  What if I win the lottery?  What if I buy a Hyundai instead of a KIA?  What if the Leafs win the cup?  You can see how stress can build over time!  Pun intended!

Leave time alone!  I think time is an illusion.  We have now.  That's it.  "Now" decisions affect the future.  If you want a different future, have a different "now".  If you make a decision today that will give you the future you want, in a way, you are a time traveler!

It would be cool to buy a DeLorean and trick it out with a Mr. Fusion reactor and get it up to 88 miles per hour and head to any era we so desire, but that sort of thing only happens in the movies.

Take today.  Enjoy today.  Plan for tomorrow.  Make it a good future!

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