Monday, February 1, 2016

Who Are You?

Some people seem to have real good grasp on who they are and where they want to go in life.  If you ask them about their chosen profession, they will tell you about how they started, what their goals are and what goals they have after they reach the ones they just told you about! Their vision is clear and realistic, grounded with solid counseling from qualified mentors.

Do you know such a person?  Do you sort of just hate them a little?  Do you think they are arrogant and full of pride?  Maybe it's because, like me, you are jealous of that level of well-adjusted foresight!

Let's be  honest, it can be difficult to plan just a few hours of our lives due to all the commitments that just seen to come at us in waves!

We read in the bible that Jesus was very clear and focused in on what his objective were in life.  All the activity in His life was driven by those goals.  He also helped others focus in their objectives.

Are all of us called to be itinerant ministers like Him?  Of course not.  But we are called to be like Him in the way He ordered His life after a clear purpose.  Otherwise we are just living day to day, waiting to die!

What's your life about?

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