Sunday, March 23, 2014

Book vs Movie

     I have not seen the Son of God movie...yet.  OK, as a Christian I know that seems like I'm not on board with the program if I don't line up to see a huge film about Jesus.  I think most of the footage was already in the Bible mini-series that I DID see on the History Channel. (My fave channel)  I also know it sounds simplistic but, I read the book and it's much better than any movie.  If I had to pick a favorite Jesus movie it would have to be "The Passion" for the simple reason that the characters all spoke the period correct language, which in my view made it less distracting than hearing the standard British accent that seems to make everything sound more "dramatic" but really makes no sense historically. 
     I have often wondered why the events of Jesus life occurred when they did.  It was God's plan obviously.  But think of all the technology available today to get your message out!  The story of the gospel was eventually committed to paper for all to read, but that process is slow compared to the mass communication of the wired generation!  I believe it has something to do with the fact that when you READ a story, you envision the action in your head using your God given imagination, and you take time to "digest" what you have read in a way that makes it more real to you.  What do you think?

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