Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Work At It

I have been thinking a lot lately about the subject of work.

We all have to work at something.

You work everyday weather you think you are or not.  The issue is do you LIKE what you do?

I think of people that live a life of crime.  They do what they do to avoid the things they HAVE to do.

There is no avoiding responsibility in life.  You have to realize that there are no free rides.

It's you against everyone else.

I have heard it said that if you don't have a plan for your life, some one else does.

It's so true.

You are just a commodity to the world at large.

You life can only realistically matter to a certain amount of people.

God gives greater influence to some people who can be trusted with it.

Not everyone can handle fame.

I was thinking about work because I had the idea that ALL work will yield results.

Hard work ALWAYS pays off.  Therefore, it's important what you expend your energy doing.

Work at developing your character.  That will take you far in life.

Work at keeping your friends.  They are a worth the investment, we need friends.

Work at improving your understanding of the world.  Ignorance sucks.

Work at knowing personality types.  You can avoid unnecessary conflict and heartache.

Work at understanding money.  Poverty sucks.

Work at pushing yourself further.  Being comfortable should only last a little while.

Finally, work at love.  It's never what you think it is.  It's better.

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