Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Really Alone?

Sunday sermon lesson!

Yes, I was paying attention in church!  It only looks like I was distracted, because I use my phone to look up bible verses and make notes.

Smart phones are part of our lives now.  Good luck trying to do anything without one, including living the Christian life.

I asked my pastor if it bothered him that people use their phones during church.  He said "Not really".

It's not something that really concerned him a lot because, if people are there to listen, they will listen.

OK, so in church, technology, no biggie.  At least in my church.

What about your time with God alone?

It's encouraged inn scripture to get alone with God and talk.  How does that phone fit in there?

It's so easy to reach over and start scanning social media and end up sidetracked and miss out on some good "face time" with our Father!

I have a suggestion that I hope will help you out.  If you want to get the most out of that time alone with God.  Bring along an actual notepad and pen.  Jot down what you want to talk about, and then be prepared to write down ideas and thoughts that come to you while you are praying!

Put the date on the note and then file it away somewhere.

If you look back on the notes you take, you will begin to see just how valuable that time was.

Try it!

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