Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I am on my first week of holidays since starting at LIFE 100.3. 

I am sort of torn about taking time off because, just being at LIFE, for me, is energizing and I don't feel burnt out or anything.

It's not like I just can't to get away from the place!

Anyway, I also understand that time off is very important both physically and spiritually.

Creative energy can run a little dry when you don't take a step back and evaluate where you are and where you want to go.

So here is what I have been up to.

Daily workouts, saunas, swimming, reading, spa tub, cooking and most important, spending time with my wife!

I finished one book and I am digesting the subject matter. 

I have also been watching episodes of the Six Million Dollar Man on DVD. (I hear there is a reboot in the works with one of the Whalberg boys, called The Six BILLION Dollar Man!  I guess they adjusted for inflation.)

I have also been listening to LIFE and it's strange to not be in the action for a week! 

I have also listened in to other morning shows and I am getting ideas!

Overall I would say it's been pretty relaxing so far!  It's sort of a "staycation" because I have not retreated to a beach in the Carribean.

Here is the scripture that comes to mind about holidays, just to put it in a biblical context...

Mark 6:31 - And He said into them, Come ye apart into a desert place and rest a while, for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

Busy guys.  They were doing ministry and stuff and before long it was gonna be something they hated instead of loved.

Good advice from, Jesus there! 

Back to my restl...see ya in a bit!

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