Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ya, I am Geeky!

I have always been a bit of a geek.

I think it must have started with Star Trek.  I used to watch the original series on WKBD channel 50, right after school.  Other kids watched Starsky and Hutch, not me.  I was interested in warp drive, phaser guns and tricorders!  Later on I was able to buy a model and build my own USS Enterprise!

When Star Wars came out, well, I was lost to Star Trek.  I have great respect for both Trek and  Trekkies, but Star Wars was something special!  From the opening titles to the final battle, I was in awe!  My brothers and I made our parents take us 3 times to see that movie, over an hours drive away!  (Thank You!)

 I loved everything about the movie.  Space ships, aliens, blasters, lightsabers!  So cool!  I also began to collect anything I could get my hands on!  Figures, vehicles, books, posters, you name it and I wanted it!

I guess I have never really grown up.  Over my 47 years I have bought and sold a lot of stuff.  Some stuff got lost, other stuff got thrown out accidentally!

I have to say that I am not an obsessive collector.  If I like it, I want it.  From any Sci-Fi movie really!  It has to appeal to me in some way.  Because of this, I only acquire a few things these days.

The odd time I meet other people with much the same bent as me!  Those times are fun!  Lately I have uncovered a geek element at LIFE 100.3! 

When I started at LIFE, I decided to have some fun with my mail bunk by putting Batman and Obi-Wan Kenobi in it.  This led to afternoon host, Andrew Robertson also brinig in some of HIS collection to decorate his bunk.

It has now become a battle of sorts to outdo each other!  (Friendly, of course!)  I have to admit though that I have found myself not wanting to lose these battles!

I have had many other more serious battles over the years in my own spirit over my love of Sci-Fi.  I have wondered how I can reconcile my fantastic thoughts with my Christian faith.  I guess you could say, I struggled to make myself "grow up" and leave these things behind, that they were silly.  I finally came to the conclusion, that I like what I like, and that's it.  The bible is full of fantastic things!  Flying creatures, heavenly revelations, future visions, cities made of pure gold!  I think God is a BIG thinker.  I want to think big as well!  I want to be less timid about certain things and more adventurous!  Sci-Fi helps me do that!

So I have embraced it!

May the force be with YOU!

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