Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Faith Through It

Hey there!

Ya, YOU!

I hope you are well, but I think we are all a little bit jumpy these days.

This pandemic thing has us all doing crazy thinks like staying apart and wearing a mask.

I was reminded about another time in history where a region was thrown into a situation that demanded them to give up some of their conveniences and disrupted daily life and business.

It was Christmas!

In the bible, there was a time when Herod asked the whole nation of Israel to undergo a census. You were required to travel to the town of your birth and be registered. There was no door to door census takers, you had to get up and go with your whole family, no questions asked.

For a young carpenter named Joseph, this was quite a concern because he had to shut down the business and load up his pregnant wife and WALK to Bethlehem! There was no government travel subsidy available, no pre-natal support system, and no guarantee of a hotel room when they got there.

They had to do what the government said.


It was disruptive, inconvenient, and costly. Sound familiar?

But here's the thing, these were the very circumstances where the Saviour of the world showed up!

Jesus appeared in the middle of this disruptive time!

Conditions were less than ideal, people were grumpy and rude and nobody was happy with the course of events, BUT, God came into human form to bring salvation to us all!

Maybe you are feeling like that. Grumpy about having to wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, stay home from work and juggle finances in order to get by,

Remember, you're not alone. Jesus can be born in the middle of all of it!

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