Friday, February 21, 2020

What Just Happened?

Did you pray today? Did you get an answer?
Did you work out? Did you hit your ideal weight right after?
Did you smile at a stranger? Did they become your best friend?
Did you put in a hard day's work? Did you get recommended for a raise?
Did you encourage someone going through a hard time? Did their problems go away?
Did you put away $10 in a savings account? Did the interest compound enough for you to retire comfortably tomorrow morning?

The answer to all of these questions is probably NO!

None of the good things you may do today will yield the result you are looking for TODAY.

It won't even guarantee a result tomorrow.

I can tell you this...

NOT doing any of those things on a daily basis makes the chances of those things happening precisely ZERO!

Just like planting a seed and expecting a prized rosebush in a few hours is unrealistic, so is the idea that you can do any of the activities I listed above and expect results right away is equally unrealistic.

But, NOT doing those things and expecting results is living in a fantasy world too!

Do those things. Do good things!

Hebrews 10:36 says "Patient endurance is what you need now so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised."

You're working toward the moment when you will wonder how you got to where you are! You'll be amazed at the things that are possible! You will also encourage those who are growing a little tired of putting in the work!

Keep at it!

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