Friday, April 27, 2018

You Can Do What You Want

Here's a bible verse you can remember easily because of the numbers...

John 6:66

Ya, LOOK AT IT!  It's got 666 in it!  The Mark of the Beast, right?

Here's the verse:

"From that time, many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.  Then said Jesus unto the twelve, "Will ye also go away?"

Some people made a decision to "walk no more" with Jesus. 

It's not talking about them getting tired of walking everywhere! 

They did cover a lot of real estate!

 It's talking about learning from Him as a teacher.  The lessons He was teaching them got to be a little too much for some of them and they said "We're done, goodbye."

Here's the interesting part...Jesus LET THEM GO!

He recognized that not everyone was going to follow Him at that time and it did not hurt His ego one bit!  I bet you He didn't write a nasty post on Facebook or spread a rumor about their "lukewarmness".  He also was not dismissive.  Their "club membership" was not revoked.  They were free to come and go whenever they wanted.

Jesus never manipulated anyone into doing anything.  There was no pressure to be part of the gang.

There was only an invitation, then unconditional love and commitment!

Remember the time Peter denied Jesus?  That must have hurt...a lot.

Jesus never gave up on Peter...NEVER!  I am sure of it.

He also never gave up on those people who walked away that day.

He won't ever give up on YOU!

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