Monday, April 27, 2015

Sermon Slug

Comparing yourself to others...we all do it.

In church this Sunday, Pastor Shane talked about this and I want to share what hit me.

Comparing has it's good points.  Jesus said "Follow me".  So we can look to Him and compare ourselves to His life and what He said and did.

Jesus is perhaps not a great example of what I want to share from the impressions I got from the message.  Christians believe that He lived a perfect sinless life, so in essence to look to him as an example, we will always see room for improvement in our own lives.

But what about the people we see who are not doing as good as we are in some area?  When we make a comparison to our minds we look pretty good!  Beware!  Here comes that old bully, PRIDE!

When we see ourselves doing well in contrast to someone else, we run the risk of stopping our progress, because we will only want to stay one step ahead of that person, to satisfy our ego!

What would happen if that person all of a sudden shot ahead of you?  You would be at a loss!  You would be left with feelings of failure and discouragement!  What do you do now?

Have a healthy outlook when it comes to comparison, and be grounded in the reality of your OWN journey and the progress you have made to get where you are!

Then plan your future and pick someone who has been where you want to be...and shoot for that!

You can do it!!

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